Lady and the Tramp is a 1955 American animated romance film produced by Walt Disney and released to theaters on June 22, 1955, by Buena Vista Distribution. The 15th animated film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series, it was the first animated feature filmed in the CinemaScope widescreen film process. The story centers on a female American Cocker Spaniel named Lady who lives with a refined, upper-middle-class family, and a male stray mutt called the Tramp. A direct-to-video sequel, Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure, was released in 2001.

Сoloring pages - Lady and the Tramp:

  • CatsCats
  • Stray dogsStray dogs
  • HeartHeart
  • Lady and the TrampLady and the Tramp
  • Puppies and MomPuppies and Mom
  • Ugly CatsUgly Cats
  • BoneBone
  • DogsDogs
  • Lady and the TrampLady and the Tramp
  • Puppy of the giftPuppy of the gift
  • CatsCats
  • Lady and the TrampLady and the Tramp
  • Tramp and chickensTramp and chickens
  • Puppies and dogsPuppies and dogs
  • Big dog and puppiesBig dog and puppies
  • DogsDogs
  • Restless puppyRestless puppy
  • GiftGift
  • Lady and the TrampLady and the Tramp
  • Collar for the TrampCollar for the Tramp